Pixels of the Week: Web Design links not to miss – November 28, 2014

This content is 9 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated.

Every week I post a lot of my daily readings about Web, UI and UX Design, mobile design, webdesign tools  and useful ressources, inspiration on twitter and other social networks.

This week’s selection: UX myths, animations with physical models, flexbox for mobile, burger icon improvements, floating labels, user stories framework, e-commerce, some nice inspiration, a material design framework and some provocative French stamps.

TL;DNR the one you should not miss


Creating Animations and Interactions with Physical Models with some pretty nices demos you can play with

Creating Animations and Interactions with Physical Models

Interesting article

#Flexbox #Mobile

Why we can’t use flexbox to re-order elements yet  tl;dnr flex-direction” is not supported by Android 4.0, but you could still use  the old syntaxe (-webkit-)box-orient.

Why we can’t use flexbox to re-order elements yet

#Mobile Navigation

Much Ado About Hamburger Icons, with some examples on how to make it better and more usable

Much Ado About Hamburger Icons


Interesting question by @notabene, was wondering myself: “Background and foreground colours: questioning an old rule


Improving the interactive float-labels and password revealing

#User Story

A framework for modern User Stories

A framework for modern User Stories


7 Tips for Designing a Better Checkout Page


The Showrooming Threat 5 Ways to Fight Back (customers visit the physical store with the intent to order online )

The Showrooming Threat 5 Ways to Fight Back

Programmers: Please don’t ever say this to beginners aka If you’re a programmer, don’t denigrate what a beginner is currently learning
Programmers: Please don't ever say this to beginners

Designer Great news

#Firefox OS

<meta name=”theme-color” content=”pink”> is now on by default in #FirefoxOS 2.1

<meta name="theme-color" content="pink">

Inspiration and Great ideas


This is beautiful:  “Watch the invisible patterns of air travel over some of the busiest skies in the world

Watch the invisible patterns of air travel over some of the busiest skies in the world


32 Posters That Debunk Common UX Misconceptions

32 Posters That Debunk Common UX Misconceptions


Tindddle.com, a  tinder for dribbble XD



Letampographe, for those speaker French, thoss stamps are awfully provocative and fun

Le tampographe Sardon

Useful ressources


Improve your Analytics skills with free online courses from Google

Improve your Analytics skills with free online courses from Google

Tools and plugins that will make your life easy


Material UI, some React and CSS Material Design components

Material UI